Surviving the Stress Test: CT COVID-19 Support

The IDG Of Connecticut Continues To Support Drivers Through COVID-19 Outbreak
September 16, 2021- The COVID-19 pandemic changed many things, including the FHV industry the way we knew it.
From the start, one of the main missions of the IDG has been to fight for the collective right to bargain; the chance for independent contractors like rideshare drivers to be treated fairly and given the opportunity to thrive.
However, when COVID-19 hit Connecticut, we had to quickly find a way to use that same mentality to come to the aid of our fellow drivers as business slowed down and it quickly became dangerous to keep working.
When federal aid programs like Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and the Paycheck Protection Program were announced, there weren’t many answers on how to apply. For those trying to take care of their families, stay healthy, and maintain their business, it was difficult to keep up.
That’s when we stepped in to assist our fellow drivers and helped them fill out their applications in addition to holding a forum about unemployment insurance with guest experts held virtually. This forum and assistance sessions with IDG members were helpful to those of us who were hit hard financially and needed this aid to cover basics like rent, groceries, and bills.
But the pandemic isn’t over yet. While there may be more people out on the roads, drivers are still facing the danger of the virus every day, in addition to being mistreated by app companies. We are still fighting for drivers and finding new ways for us to gather today and provide help where it’s needed.
Just recently, on August 21st, we held a Drivers Appreciation Day at Edgewood Park in New Haven, CT. We were grateful to get together safely outdoors and have a fun family day after a hard and stressful year. We were also fortunate enough to have several vendors come and offer free resources to drivers and their families, including COVID-19 vaccines!
The only way we will get through this is together, and the Independent Drivers Guild of Connecticut is proud to continue to be a resource for our fellow drivers.
Are you a driver in need of help from the Connecticut Independent Drivers Guild? Email us at and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.